Title- Civic (other word for local)
I chose the word Civic as it is another word for local, as I discovered whilst researching names, on a Thesaurus website. I did this as i wanted to find a really interesting version of the word which would capture the attention of the audience, and make them want to pick up the magazine and investigate it further. I wanted to use the word local as the magazine i am going to create is based around local bands, music and the world surrounding the people in them.
Target Audience- 14-25, Mixed Sex
I have decided that I am going to use this age range as my target audience as when i researched music magazines discovered that this is the conventional age for music magazine readers. I want to follow this convention so that the magazine sells well. Also, the kind of music that i have decided to focus on is largely enjoyed mainly by people within this age bracket, meaning i will have a bigger target audience and fan base to appeal to instead of having to cater for a niche audience, which is much more difficult and does not sell as well within the music industry.
Genre- Hastings Music
Music magazine of just music from around the Hastings area, with details of local up and coming bands and gigs from around the town
Gap in the Market? or Rival Others?- Gap in the market
There is nothing else like this currently available, therefore going to be an innovate and give people what nothing else currently can.
Independent Producer?- Yes, independent
I will be independently producing the magazine because it is not nationwide and would not require a producer like Bower
Production Values- modern ,up to date and innovative
The production values will be modern because of the young age range and target audience, and innovative because the magazine is new and there is nothing else like it
Price- £3.00
I have chosen the price to be 3 pounds because there will be alot in the magazine and because its bi-monthly there will be alot more content in it, and comes around less often so warrants the price tag of 3 pounds.
Frequency- Bi-Monthly
It would be bi-monthly because there would possibly be a lack of content if it were weekly or monthly, due to the size of the town.
Mode of Address- friendly and informative
It will be friendly and informative so the reader feels comfortable and a relationship with the magazine and want to come back time after time and keep buying the magazine, and build up a loyal fanbase.
Main Image- Picture of band after a split up
The main image will be of a band who have split up and will be looking moody and looking away from the camera to draw readers in and want to know why and how they split
Articles on Contents Page- Interviews, pictures and gigs
The contents page will have interviews, pictures and gigs on it showing what pages to find them with a breif bit of information about that article. It will also have pictures on there to make there less text and more informal and chatty, easier to read.
1 or 2 Page Contents?- 1
I only want a 1 page contents because I want the magazine to be easy to read and informal. And I think two pages would be too much, and possibly put some readers off. In particular males readers
Double Page Spread- Interview
The double page spread will be an interview of how a band spilt up it will not have too much text but be short, precise and intresting. It will also have some short quick-fire questions to keep it fun and informal
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